Day 9: Roma!
/This was a full day in Rome, and what a blast!
I was reading travel advice on where to take your kids when travelling in Europe- one recommendation was to take them to the grandparents house before you got to the airport...
While seeing a big city like Rome is a challenge with four little boys, we're starting to learn a little about managing expectations and arranging our day to maximize the pleasantries. We've been struggling through our patience with the boys and we help them through what seem like the same conflicts day in and day out, all day. Each of them has had a different way of coping with being uprooted from their home, routine and slow life in the Azores and brought on a cross continental trip in the heat of summer. And I do mean HEAT. GoodNESS!! The boys have been fighting a lot. They've been crying a lot. They've been whining a lot, but I don't suppose we expected anything less than that. Elijah understands moving, as much as an 8 year old can, and Judah too, to some extent. But Joel and Luke haven't a clue. And because kids thrive so much in routine, they tend to kind of do the opposite outside of it. I know for certain I haven't done as well as I can with loving and being patient, and I'll continue to work on that. In my selfishness I find it even harder to be patient with all their crazy emotions when I am feeling the same way. I understand it, but I'm wiped too, so I have a shorter fuse. Certainly not an excuse, just reality. Only with Christ's help am I able to continue on in this state of fatigue and painful homesickness that I am feeling. And love the boys through their pain, I will, but again only with Christ's help. He alone is sufficient.
So, our day in Rome. We got out the door just before 9 (the earliest for us so far!) and made the short hike to the tram stop just up the road. We rode the several stops into the heart of Rome so we could take the boys to see the incredible pieces of history that Josh and I saw just under a year ago when we were here without them. We walked off the tram, around a corner and there it was. The Colosseum. Josh and I are both so awe struck by it and I think Elijah maybe was a bit, but as you can guess the other boys just didn't really care. ha!
Our computer is struggling with anything photo right now, so these pics are essentially point and shoot. I've had to dial back my expectations of the pics I take on this trip and just snap the shutter as we go. I don' have time, with trying to wrangle 4 little boys in crazy crowds and nutso traffic, to take "Manuel" setting photos, so iAuto it is - and lightroom won't open for whatever tempermental reason, so plain jane pics is what we get.
Josh had downloaded at iPad app that gave us an audio tour through. We got a bit through it, but the logistics of having 5 people plugged into a headphone splitter in one iPad and trying walk close enough to the the stroller to keep headphones in their ears is a bit too much. So we ditched the audio and just enjoyed the view.
We left the Colloseum and Josh and I talked through trying Palatine hill or the Forum and decided, wisely we believe, that they boys would probably get nothing out of either. Nothing other than a sunburn, of course. So we walked and found the gelato store than Josh and I had gone to last August, and sat in the shade to enjoy our cool treat. We headed back to our place for lunch and a nap. A very long nap in the air conditioning. It.was.wonderful!
We bummed around here for a while after naptime and then ventured back out to find a gluten free Pizzaria that Josh had looked up. The food was TOP notch! I haven't had that many carbs in one sitting in YEARS! It was delicious!
After our dinner we walked a through a couple squares and admired fountains, performers and art.
Then it was off to get more gelato and head back to our place for the night. Something tied up the tram system for a good chunk of the evening, so we started back on foot and eventually caught up with where the trams were stopping. We saw a trumpet band marching and stopped to enjoy them for a few minutes before hopping on the tram to head home.
It was an tiring, but delightful day. The smoothest so far, for sure!