Cool mornings, school busses running, blazing hot afternoons!

Fall has arrived without the always welcomed cooler weather.  It's soon to follow, says everyone that was here last year.  It will arrive with no warning, says everyone.  We certainly welcome it! 
School started Monday of this week for the base and I decided that since we will be receiving our household shipment at some point this fall (it still remains a mystery as to where it is at currently - "untraceable"), that starting a small amount of school this week would be good, though I'd planned on waiting until next week.  But we'll need to take the week of when our stuff arrives, so......we started this week.  That means slowly easing the boys into more and more time trying to focus their scattered brains onto tasks that require writing, thinking about something other than swimming, riding bikes and legos, and quieting one self.  As hard as "home education" is for my non organized, bad with follow through, project oriented brain, I consider it a tremendous blessing that my job right now is to keep the boys home and teach them here.  That doesn't mean it's easy, that doesn't mean I'm stellar at it, that doesn't mean they always enjoy it, but it means that we are acting in obedience for however long this season of homeschooling lasts with each individual boy, and that we know exactly what is going into their minds and hearts every day. 

Our "PE" sessions have been spent in the early morning in the pool - and then again in the later morning - and after naps.  :)  We are delighted to have the pool up and are hoping hard that the new pump we ordered won't overheat every 5 minutes like the two older pumps are doing.  Apparently this is common for old pumps, but if the new one does it too there will be no way for us to keep the salt generator going to cleanse the water and the pool will have to come down.  In the meantime, we are using 3/4 cup of bleach each day to keep the jeebers from growing in it. 

Getting the boys motivated to sit still for school stuff is slow going, but we'll get there.  That's another nice thing about doing it at home - there's really no restrictions. 

We are still waiting on the bulk of our year's curriculum to show up, but we are finding things to work on in the meantime. 

God's grace is literally the only thing that gets me through home school years.  I had a friend ask me a few days ago, when she found out I teach the boys, "yeah, but are you like totally organized, and have a teacher brain and love to educate?!"  I laughed and said no to each.  I follow in obedience and the Lord blesses it, despite how inadequate I feel at times.