Pine air

The past few days have been simlpy gorgeous spring weather.  It's the middle of February, but after living in temperate climates for nearly all the boy's lives, we are used to being able to bust out the shorts every now and then in the middle of "winter".  Not sure how long the warmth is supposed to last, but we are enjoying it while it does! 
We got a call from my cardiologist here yesterday that my ablation is scheduled for later this week.  Josh laughs at me when I take family pictures before he goes on TDY, or if I do something special before one of us travels for something.  This morning was a different school morning for us than usual, because I wanted to do something "special" with the boys before going in to have a burning tip lazer threaded into my heart.  Perhaps is morbid, but we laugh about it.
The boys and I loaded up, depsite the fact that all of us but Luke (is started with him last week) are not feeling 100% due to a long lasting head and chest virus that has been going around.  Elijah has it the worst today, but he tagged along the best he could, and I think still enjoyed himself.  We hopped on our bikes - I loaded the bike trailer down with a picnic lunch, soccer ball and old sheet and we headed out to find the perfect spot that would give us some adventure.  I had a feeling I knew where we would decide to park ourselves, as I've driven/ridden past is several times.  It's only several blocks away, but when in the middle of it, when there's no cars going by and Turkish soldiers marching loudly in formation along the roads surrounding it, it sort of feels like we are in the mountains.  It sure smells like the mountains.  Goodess - we sure do miss walks by the ocean - those were our adventures on the island, nearly ever day - but we make the best of where we are now and enjoy the beauty of God's creation, even when it's all sectioned off within barbed walls.

Josh was able to enjoy us for the last 20 minutes of our time there before we headed back home for naps. 

We are hoping to make it back to the States soon for some "out of the fence" time - we haven't been "home" since having Luke in December two years ago, so it will be SO good to get out West and breath dry air and drive through familiar mountain roads!