Not far from the tree.
/Yesterday evening we were all working to get the house picked up - there's less to do on the sabbath if we can get most done on Saturday. Judah's job was to get the carport picked up a bit. He went out and was out for a good chunk of time and came back in beaming. "I did it! Go look at the bikes! They are all I really got done, just putting them away. But then I decorated them with those green branch things that were up against the trash can." I knew exactly what he was talking about - many of them were the same dead pine branches that I'd yoinked out of the yard that he'd stabbed down into the wolf spider holes, to decorate our back yard. He says he's "planting" them. That's the word he uses for watering, pruning and actual planting of anything. It's always planting. That kid is a farmer at heart. Since he was tiny in Florida playing in the back yard I could tell he would be an outdoor loving boy. The best is when he's in overalls with no t-shirt and bare feet. The island was like paradise for him, with the big garden plot we had there. He was often found digging and "planting" something, most of the time weeds he'd pulled from the yard, in the raised beds. He was either doing that or decorating some part of our house with strange objects he'd found around the yard of in the trash......I have no idea where he gets that from........ :) He loves for his hands to either be covered in earth, or putting something somewhere to "look beautiful".
So, last night, he decorated our bikes with "those green branches". I'd spent a while getting them leaning up against the trash cans for pick-up on Monday and cleaning up after the mess they made - I had them in our house with lights on them until they started crumbling and dying. They were my second round Christmas tree after I'd taken down the first and decided I wasn't ready to be without evergreen and white lights in our livingroom. They were up for about 6 weeks before it was just time for them to go. Now they adorn our bikes. :)
An outdoors loving farmer and decorator at heart. A boy after my own heart.