Women need awe


When Josh and I spent an overnight in Ouray just days before he left to return to Turkey without us, we took the morning to hike - we both have a thing for the mountains, like so many, and breathing in that crisp pine air after years of being away from the Rockies was like balm for the soul.  We stopped and marveled at the scene that lay before us as we were hiking through the woods returning from watching a water fall pound the rocks smooth as it continued to slowly cut out a path for it's relentless pouring.  We were silent for a good long while and when we did speak it was about how the mountains just did something to our hearts - and that it was hard to pinpoint.  

This beautiful piece perfectly describes what the mountains do to my heart.  

"Awe helps us worry less about self-worth by turning our eyes first toward God, then toward others. It also helps establish our self-worth in the best possible way: we understand both our insignificance within creation and our significance to our Creator."

I love this article.  It is beautifully written and wonderful truth!  I've learned a lot about this during this season of life - about this disease not being about me or my self worth (as I lay around while others do my work - it's REALLY hard to keep up the self-worth idea doing that).  Being in awe of his great plan that is so far out of my body and my control and has everything to do with fearing him and loving him with all my heart, soul and mind has been a tremendous blessing and spurred me greatly through this challenging and exhausting season.  It helps me not go crazy as my own head spins out of control and slowly destroys my left ear.  It helps me focus on my boys when I just want to sit down and research to see if MAYBE there's something I've missed - some way to make this go away.  It helps me fight depression and bitterness and resentment and developing a defeatist attitude. 
The awe of his majesty and the healthy fear of Him takes me outside of myself in a season where self preservation is definitely the most natural response.  And it is a daily battle, to be sure.