Monday - last full day on the farm

Today was another day full of bustling activities, restless and energetic boys and lost of time in the air conditioned house.  
We started the morning off slowly, again, which is wonderful.   We still haven't totally adjusted our body clocks to the whopping 1 hour time difference, and it's confusing things a bit - but I'll take 1 hour any day over the 9 hours we faced when returning from Turkey!

Breakfast was pancakes and fresh farm sausage, and then it was outside to learn how to drive the Bobcat.  Each boy had their turn taking a ride and then I got to relearn how.  I wouldn't be a very time efficient worker in that thing.  


After each boy was done with his Bobcat experience then came the much anticipated beach and ocean in the middle of Nebraska!  
Well, we can pretend.  Right?

Not sure what was happening with the lighting in this video below here - excuse that please.

We successfully wore the boys out in the pool, so a movie came after and then lunch.  We were just finishing serving up the icecream cake for Shane's birthday, which was today, when I turned and looked at Shane and said, "I need to go lay down.  NOW."  She told me to beeline it to the bunkhouse and that she's get the boys down for naps.  I made it out here and was able to take Luke's tent down the stairs for them to take into the house.  She'd insisted on putting them down in their so I could sleep soundly out here.  Gracious woman!  I laid down just in time and the hundred pound head hit.  This one wasn't horrible like the 3 last week.  If I layed completely still I barely noticed it - it's when I tried to move my head that I felt like it had been suctioned to the pillow.  Yuck.  I will never get used to that feeling.  I snoozed off and on for a couple hours and then felt balanced enough to get up and head to the house to lay on the couch so Shane could get out and get some "farming" done.  The couch is where I stayed all afternoon until dinner - a nice, long, air conditioned 3 hours of watching "Five Mile Creek" with Elijah and Luke while Judah and Joel made a run into town with Kerry and Shane.  Luke makes haste to find his blanket and curl up with me on the couch anytime he sees me there.  Goodness do I love that!

The two boys that stayed behind with me had chicken nuggets, cheese and grapes for lunch while Judah and Joel scored happy meals from McDonalds.  After the boys were down for quiet time Shane and I sat down to T-bone steaks from a cow they butchered this year.  A.MAZ.ING!  GOODNESS they grow some delicious cows!

The boys are all quiet, my head is still a bit heavy and it's late, so it's off to bed and then up early to prep for our drive to Omaha tomorrow morning.  We figured it's the safest morning to drive since I've gotten an attack out of the way today and there's no saying how many days until the next one (hopefully no back to backs like last week!).  We are sad to leave the farm but very excited to see Rob and Lyn again!  How we've missed them!