Put to death the passions of the flesh

1 Peter 2:11 - abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.
Cross referenced:
Ephesians 4:1 - I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a matter worthy and of the calling to which you have been called

The passions of the flesh are expounded upon in other verses, but I don't suppose those are the only downfalls.  My recent primary struggle lies in laziness and a spirit of criticism toward the precious babies God has entrusted to my care.  In the "Diary of Daily Prayer" last night the prayer took me through confessions of different types of sins, of which included laziness, dishonesty, etc.  
Be Christ like, follow hard after Jesus, glorify him in everything I do.  I so often fall short of this in my daily walk with the boys he's given me.  I let my selfish desires creep in and take priority over their needs and desires.  Speaking gently seems exhausting at times and simply too much work.  Being nurturing requires too much grace and patience.  It's much easier to blow my top and let them have it - even though that saps more energy from me.  With the chaos and noise that ensues every day, we've reached a vicious cycle in communication - a cycle that doesn't completely dominate but is found all too often.  If they don't hear my yelling, they don't respond.  At times I have to yell, when they are across the yard and will not hear my otherwise, but in between the walls of our home it's unnecessary and damaging.  Every time I raise my voice I dig further down into that pit of damaging and ineffective communication.  
These, for me, are the current "passions of the flesh" that are waging war against my soul.  My apathy in dealing with my irritability and escaping to self serving acts is not beneficial to my relationship with my boys or my relationship with my Creator.  It's detrimental to both.  
I have been called to the job of teaching my boys in the home the things that many children learn in public schools.  My frustration with the constant effort that is required and the fatigue that naturally comes with teaching children anything often overrides my enthusiasm to teach and they suffer from it.  Am I teaching enough?  Is my teaching effective?  Am I damaging their love for learning?  
They are learning, we can see that.  But they could learn much more if I would put more effort into the job I've been called to.  I so often fall short of the mother, leader and teacher they need.  My prayer is for a desire to teach with passion and grace, to love with patience and grace and to lead with a firm hand but with grace.
My Savior has lavished grace on me - having more of Jesus is the only way I will learn to have more grace.  He is the only one that can teach me what grace toward others looks like.  I need more Jesus.  More Jesus will lead to death of the passions of the flesh that wage war against my soul.  Any thirst of our hearts can only be quenched by more of Jesus.  He is the only living spring.