Last day of internet at home
/Our time is nearly done. Just a few nights from now we will be spending our first night out of our house by the sea. We will hand over the keys to the house on Tuesday, and say goodbye to this chapter of our lives. It.hurts. Badly. Each place we've left has hurt. As our boys grow older, I find for my mama heart that the pain changes and intensifies. It's no longer just Josh and I moving on, or us moving on with little boys who don't really know the difference. Now it's us moving on and our boy's hearts moving on as well, and leaving the place where we've made so many beautiful memories. Memories that I treasure in my heart.
The packers came and went in a day in a half. We were truly astounded by how quickly they finished up. They are professionals, for sure!
They were fantastic with the boys and enjoyed watching them attempt to pack boxes and tape them shut. They'd chuckle and redo the boxes. The boys played in the truck beds and crates while the packers worked inside.
There's a lot of lasts that are happening, naturally. I find myself waking most mornings with the first thought in my conscience head is of our upcoming move. It's exciting, yes, but so overwhelming. A truly bittersweet thing to experience, again. I keep reminding myself that if we didn't move so much I wouldn't know the incredible people or see the beautiful places we've been. And OH the sweetness of these memories! I do treasure them in my heart!
There's nothing quite like hearing the sound of the ocean and the soft click of a bike's gears SIMULTANEOUSLY.
Our most difficult farewell will be Manuela, as it is much less likely we will see her again. She is essentially Luke's adopted grandma. He.Adores.HER!
We've been trying to get out of the house as much as possible, since there's really not much left here. We are soaking up the beauty of this island and it's people.
The wall of faces FINALLY didn't have a car parked in front of it!!
There are so many things I will miss tremendously! I took this picture of our upstairs center with a few nights ago. I was walking out of Judah's room after praying with him before he went to sleep and was taken aback by the sun streaming through and the array of colors within my view out the beautiful arched window. I will surely miss this house! And this place!
We are turning in our internet provider box tomorrow because of how long it takes for them to process it before we leave. We will be without for the rest of the week here in our home, so the next time I post will likely be from temp housing on base.
Signing off from the house one last time.