The timeline

Josh here.

Thanks for checking into our site! Put your email in the box on the left to sign up for our updates!

We’ll try to keep this site updated with a big update every couple of weeks, and will put periodic small updates as things come up.

Many of you have asked about our very convoluted timeline, so here’s a quick summary:

June2018: started the application process for “the company”.

Dec2019: completed the application process, and were invited to interview

Spring 2020: Interview was delayed

June 2020: Interviewed

August 2020: Appointment and Training were delayed by 3 months

Dec 1, 2020: 2 more week delay on decision for training(due to COVID numbers)

Dec15, 2020: We are a go for training!

Tentative: training in Jan21-Mar21, Language training in Kenya Apr21-Jul21, Move to Tanzania Jul/Aug21!

So here we are! We believe that God is sovereign(knows all) and supreme(above all) over this whole process and we trust His timing and will in ALL things. Sometimes we feel like the father of the boy Jesus healed in Mark 9- “we believe, help our unbelief!” We’ve always loved this account, because it so well captures the “already, not yet” nature of our sanctification. We are made new in Christ, and still the old man and his unbelief tempts us at times.

So we press forward in belief, always praying for greater faith, greater trust, and greater hope.