Suffering well
/My heart has been heavy with this for the past few days - knowing who our next commander in Chief is likely to be. I believe with her in office the American Church is going to experience a lot more persecution than we have before. Josh and I were headed to bed a few nights ago after watching the debate and were talking about what the future might hold, with either candidate in office. The outlook could seem grim with either. I asked him if he thought the Church in American might start to experience persecution in ways that so many of our brother's and sister's in Christ face it in foreign countries. He responded immediately, "I hope so." I bristled a bit, initially, caught off guard by this response. But what a beautiful hope! The American Church is so weakened by the lack of persecution we face and the emphasis of "health and wealth" prosperity gospel that is ever growing in strength.
I ran across this post on Desiring God about teaching our children how to suffer. Are we doing this as parents? Are Josh and I teaching our boys to have such an undying devotion to their savior that even in the face of suffering and persecution they will rejoice and call upon Him and bless his name? Are we talking to them about the things we should that conveys the important fact that suffering is God ordained?
Acts 14:22
2 Corinithians 4:8-9
Galatians 6:2
2 Corinthians 1:4
Job 2:9-10
2 Corinthians 4:17-18
Are we (mostly me, with my chronic illness) living out our own suffering in a way that shows we believe this truth, and that we will live in undying devotion to Him regardless of our circumstances?
Our boys will experience suffering, in one form or another along the way. Are we teaching them to trust and rejoice?