A drink of water for parched throats

We pulled into town about 2:30 Sunday afternoon and spent our afternoon catching up with the Storey family and waiting for Pech's and Shelby to arrive.  The rolled in about 4:30 and we all drove over to unload and settle in to the Air BnB place we rented.  

Monday morning was spent exploring the zoo with the whole crew - it was delightful!  What an incredible feeling to be in the SAME place with so many people that we love!  


Tuesday the plan was to all head to the Children's museum since the rain was relentless, but we woke to a stomach bug Joel (or fluke, since it was only once and get was totally normal and hour later - and thankfully no one else has gotten sick!), so the girls and I stayed behind with him and baby Judah Pech while Josh and Gabe took the others to meet up with the Storey family.  We shared "burgers on a plate" that night, in true Portuguese style and had pumpkin and spiced pear and ginger pie for dessert with some group game time.  What a treat these people are to us!

Wed was Shelby's last day, as she was fixing Turkey's for both sides of her family for Thanksgiving so she needed to get back in time to start them.  It was hard to split up again, but we all felt so beyond blessed to have gotten the chance to reunite, even for that short time!

Thursday morning was spent packing up - us to head to Mom and Dad's for a few nights and Pech's to feast with Hannah's side of the family.  We said our goodbye and headed our separate ways.  The feast preparation was in full swing at the Storey abode and the day was busy but so refreshing - how we love our family!  

Friday was filled with shopping (not at the crack of dawn!), a zoo trip, mulling over Christmas gifts for family and quiet down time.  Friday night those of us that had been able to make it for the holiday (us, Matt and Amy Storey and their girls, Jake and Amy) had a sans-kid prayer time.  We were able to listen to each other share about what life holds for them in this season.  It was a beautiful time of catching up, knowing needs and praying together.  
We were off early Saturday morning - out by 3:30 and home by 2:30 that afternoon.  

What a precious time we had.