Good news, great joy

What a gracious Creator we have who lavishly pours out blessing after blessing upon our undeserving selves.  He gives and takes away, and remains constant and worthy of praise.  The trivial stresses of our lives do not change Him.  I am so utterly thankful for this season in which he continues to give, and profoundly thankful for the season that proceeded this in which he took so much away.  Oh the beauties of his wonder I was able to learn through that time, at the complete mercy (and always so) of his provision for myself and my loved ones in the midst of debilitating illness, separation and displacement.  After these past few months of respite in which I continued to cling to his great mercies that are, indeed, new every morning, He has chosen to again take that resting period away.  I do not know the course he's paved for this illness in my life.  I do not know if it will rob me of my hearing or my balance or ability to continue to do so many things I love to do, but I do know that His grace is sufficient and will continue to be the only thing that sustains me until I wake to see him face to face.  I do grieve the loss it presents, but how entirely short lived it is.  Only a short moment in the vast expanse of His timeless plan - only afflicting this weak earthly shell.  And so lite an affliction in comparison to the depravity that ravishes mankind in this broken, hurting and desperate world.  It does not take away my ability to be salt and light - to reach the unreached.  And what is deafness and imbalance when there is so much desperation, even under my own roof with my own children?  Only minor hurdles.  I will continue to fight to choose joy in the midst of suffering and pray fervently that the Lord covers over a multitude of my grumbly sins with his grace as I learn how to navigate through this season. 

What a delight we take in the beauties he graces us with.  What a beautiful savior he is.