Off we go - but not into the "wild blue yonder"

This may be blathery - and long - I'm jittery thinking on it all, and I need to get going and do school with the boys and we've got a crazy full day of other stuff ahead of us.  So, sorry for typos or repeats or ramblings.  :)

I distinctly remember when I was a little girl not wanting to marry a doctor.  I have no idea why I felt this way.  As I got older and we moved to a town with a military base and I was exposed to a very sheltered view of military life, I added on not wanting to be married to a military member.  
My bride groom is a family practice doc and we signed a contract to do a military med school scholarship nearly 11 years ago.  We made that decision as a team, but I was very much submitting to the fact that my husband felt led in that direction.  OH the adventures it has taken us on!  I am so utterly thankful that the Lord's design for our lives is better than what we could have dreamt as a child.  
Last night Josh sat on the couch, after a lengthy conversation with a hiring agent that set us up with the ER interview we'd traveled to last week, and signed the electronic contract.  

Here we go!

Here we go!


There's just a whole huge slew of feelings that are all wrapped up in this change.  Getting out of the military has always been this far off thing - and now it's here!  And where are we headed, after all the crazy places we've lived and seen?  We are headed to good ol' Omaha, NE.  A place that, before last summer, was never on our radar.  During our evacuation process from Turkey, Josh's dad followed in obedience and accepted a job in Omaha after pastoring River of Life Alliance Church in Grand Junction for 15 years.  Grand Junction, CO is home to the whole Storey family.  We assumed that's where we'd end up after our AF commitment and Rob and Lyn didn't see themselves leaving their beloved home, ever.  But the Lord makes things clear and we follow in obedience.  So, since they are in Omaha, Grand Junction became less of an obvious choice.  It's been a hard switch to make, after 15 years of calling it home.  
Why Omaha? - We've examined this question closely - our heart, since med school, has been to serve our time in the military and thrive where God places us and then get out at the end of the med school payback commitment and start actively and aggressively working toward the calling we feel the Lord has put in our hearts - to use Josh's practice of medicine, and the giftings that I've been given to obey the Great Commission. What does that look like in our human heads right now? - overseas medical missions in an area where medicine isn't readily available.  We don't know the time frame or location at this point, but we are so eager and excited to soon be out from under the government's thumb (I do not intend that to sound negative) so we can pursue this dream. We'd love to launch in 3 to 5 years, but again, the Lord works in the way he will and we will follow whatever time frame he has mapped out for us.  We know that he's already paved the way - that he has been using each season of our lives as training, to prepare us for the particular mission he has for us, wether that does turn into an overseas remote location or He keeps us in the U.S.  Either way, with the job that he's signed on for (two 24 hours shifts per week) we will have ample time for both of us to go back to school and focus on Bible and mission specific knowledge (language and culture training - adaptation to new cultures...etc.).  The Omaha area is experiencing incredible growth in the C&MA denomination.  Church plants are launching and experiencing rapid growth through new conversion.  The Gospel is a beautiful thing, indeed, and we are so excited for the chance to jump in with both feet and work with a church plant and fill our heads and hearts with as much beautiful truth as possible alongside fellow believers that have the same passion for the Great Commission as we do.  

So, we finish our our few months here and then off to NE we go.  

It's been so exciting to see how the Lord uses these season of life so strategically.  From the small groups we've had at each location, to our growing understanding of the Word through the beautiful AF family he's blessed us with at each station, to the E-Free Church he led us to here, he's each step to feed our hunger for Him and to increase our desire to follow his call on our hearts to cherish Christ above all else and to share Him with those who've had no access to His beauty.  OH goodness!  It's hard for me to sit still and contain my excitement over this.  

So, we follow in obedience with full confidence that our beautiful Creator has already paved the way, as he's proven to do in every season he's brought us through - and we are so eager to see what life in Omaha holds! (and also are so excited to live near family again, for however long!  It's been a long haul!)

Join us in prayer about all this?  Thank you!


Also, my previous few posts have insight into this, if you feel like reading my mind's constantly turning gears.